
Printing and dyeing industry

We all know that the water consumption in the printing and dyeing industry is very large. According to statistics, nearly a hundred tons of water are used to process one ton of textiles, and the amount of sewage and wastewater generated is also very large. If directly discharged, it not only pollutes the environment but also wastes water resources. Therefore, the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater is not only related to environmental pollution issues, but if treated properly and the wastewater can be recycled, it can also save water costs in the printing and dyeing process. Printing and dyeing wastewater contains a large amount of fiber impurities, dye and chemical residues, and the water quality changes greatly due to its large volume, making it a difficult type of industrial wastewater to treat. The polyacrylamide we produce for printing and dyeing wastewater treatment can quickly coagulate impurities in the wastewater, and after sedimentation and other treatments, the wastewater can be restored to clarity.

Pre:Coal washing industry
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